The Distance Depot Flower Hackamore The Distance Depot has taken
off the stiff leather nose, and replaced it with a lovely soft padded
nose, the same nice padding that we use on our Padded Breast collars!
The Flower Hackamore allows the stability and adjust ability every rider and horse could want or need. with a variety of slots for your reins and places to adjust all your straps it is the perfect Hackamore for those hard to fit horses.
We make the nose strap adjustable, and it can be made in any color,
5/8" matte finished beta or 1/2" shiny biothane to match an existing or
new bridle!
We also use an adjustable Beta Biothane curb strap so rusting will no longer be an issue on your Flower
Our Flower Hackamore allows your horse to eat & drink
comfortably while you are on the trail. This Flower Hackamore works great
with our Western Racing Bridle, but will also work super with any of the
trail halter bridles too, you can simply raise the nose band of your
halter bridle a hole or two if needed & shorten your bit hangers to
work with your Flower Hackamore & you are ready to ride!
Shank Length: 4.5" Please note: If a beta curb chain/strap is chosen we will have it be made to match your waffle padding. If you would like it made out of a different Beta color please specify in the order comments at checkout. Curb straps/chains can NOT be made out of Biothane (shiny colors)