RevitaVet Infrared Light Therapy Poll Cap Light therapy has
been shown in over 40 years of independent research
worldwide to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and
organisms. Both visible red and infrared light have been shown to
affect at least 24 different positive changes at a cellular level. These
results have been widely published. Light radiation must be absorbed
to produce a biological response. All
biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum that determines
which wavelengths of radiation will be absorbed to produce a given
therapeutic effect. The visible red and infrared portions of the
spectrum have been shown to be highly absorbent and produce unique
therapeutic effects in living tissues. Infrared therapy is not new to
the veterinarian field. In fact, it has been used in the equine market
for more than 20 years.
The Poll Cap™ is a hands-free device, self contained, “AA” battery
powered, used for the treatment of the poll region. It is a very
effective tool for calming hoses down. The device can be used for
frontal sinuses, TMJ, first and second vertebra as well as primary
acupuncture points in the area. The PollCap is an excellent tool for the nervous horse, especially when
having to travel long distances. It is also a farrier’s/horseshoer’s
best friend because it enables them to work on a calmer and more relaxed
horse. Simply place it over the poll, under the halter, and you’re good
to go.
The Poll Cap™ addresses these common ailments and problematic areas:
- Stiffness
- Headaches
- Stress
- Teeth grinding
- Behavioral problems
- Head tension & head tilting
- Frontal sinuses
- Poll area
- 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
RevitaVet Infrared Light Therapy
Promotes Healing By More Than 50%
Stimulates Acupuncture Points
Raises Performance Levels Without Medications
Works On The Cellular Circulation Level
Reduces Medical Bills
Fights Infection On Open Wounds
Portable, Safe And Easy To Use
No Known Side Effects
Works Well With Other Modalities
Excellent Therapy On All Animals & Humans
