Beta Grip Reins with Colored Ends These reins have a soft and supple feel of Beta BioThane with the grips built in. 3/4" wide material with large "nubbies" built in the beta material. These reins are perfect for every day trail riding, and endurance racing. For those wishing to add color, a BioThane color is sewn onto the grip section- 2 ft from the bit up to the grip section, or we can use the same soft Beta material of your bridle, to sew on to each end of the reins. Comes with removable snaps at the end for easy release and attachment to the bit. You choose the hardware and the length.
NEW* 5/8" Beta Grip Colors-Red, Royal, Lime Green, Yellow, Teal, Purple, Orange, Pink- Will have 5/8" Beta Colored Ends- or 3/4"Shiny Biothane Colored ends.
Finding the Perfect Rein for You!
